For the first time in ages I actually finished something. I am brilliant at starting things, and even better about thinking of starting things , and even better yet at thinking at length about making time to think about things to start.
My first hurdle to completing anything is when I have to commit to paper what it is that I am about to start. After a few minutes of writing random words the doodling commences and I have coloured pencils too close to hand so whole afternoons can be spent colouring in my doodles….especially if there are any balloons in my doodles….and there are ALWAYS balloons in my doodles, usually with me holding on for dear life below.
If I manage to get past that hurdle the next impediment will undoubtedly be boredom, especially if there are horrendous things like figures, profit margins or grown up things like ‘terms and conditions’.
And if by some very, very, very slim chance I can get past that hurdle I will inevitably fall foul of the Bright And Shiny Thing which will immediately distract me from the Once Bright And Shiny Thing I was supposed to be working on.
Like this ….

This Andy Warhol picture has absolutely nothing to do with this, or anything else for that matter, I just happened to read an article about Debbie Harry’s biography in which it mentioned Andy Warhol’s painting of her and I thought “What would an Andy Warhol painting of me look like ?”
BUT back to finishing things.
Oh, before I forget , I’m appearing at the Accidental Theatre in Belfast next Thursday evening, October 24th , in their inaugural Accidental Fiction night. Five short stories , read by their authors, accompanied by music. I’ll be one of the five, reading the ‘Pound Loney ‘ story.
So, yes, something finished. I was asked to write a story to help introduce and explain a brilliant idea by Ryan Mulligan, of this very parish, to help young children communicate to parents how they were feeling. The story features a magical world , inhabited by Ezekiel, a larger than average wombat, Barbara, a yellow and pink fluffy Battenburgasaurus and lime green birds that hover by means of controlled flatulence, called Phluffy Pharts. I finished it last night. To be honest, I’m very chuffed indeed.
Marc also finished the feet for our playground giant, Big Ross, in Rossmore Park, and they were installed on Tuesday.
Now , for my sins , I have started to write three other stories, two of which I think will become novels…or balloon doodles…..such pretty colours…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
P.S. If anyone would like me to send them a draft of the kids story , just email me back.
P.P.S. Would anyone be interested in a SuperjetRobotDinosaur tee shirt, or wooly beanie ?
P.P.P.S This week my favourite old song has been ‘Tongue‘ by REM from the Monster album, which is 25 years old !!!