“ If you were to ask me
After all that we’ve been through
“Still believe in magic?”
Oh, yes, I do”
– Coldpaly
‘Twas the night before Christmas…
Ooops !
‘Twas the Friday before Christmas.
‘Twasn’t it ?
Yes ,<< Test First Name >>, this is a letter to you , from me , Santa !
Of course it’s from me !
Yes, I know, strange that I’d chose to do it by hijacking this email, but that’s part of the magic.
Not really magic you say ? And yet you’re reading this, right now, aren’t you ? Just as I intended.
It’s fun to be me !

I just wanted to say that I kept all of your letters. I’m sorry for the times you didn’t get what you asked for, but hope that there were still magic memories.
My real reason for writing is to simply say that you are wonderful. In my wildest dreams, when I first read your crayon scrawled note, I would not have figured that you’d turn out to be the generous soul that you are.
How do I know ?
You’re reading this aren’t you ?
Magic attracts magic, and all that.
I know that you’re busy , so in a a quickfire round of answers to all of the questions you asked me all over all of those wonderful years :
Yes, my reindeers are all females.
I do eat all of the mince pies, pieces of cake and sweets you leave out. It would be rude not to.
Time distillation is the answer to your next 17 questions as you got older and tried to work it out logically.
Mostly people get what they need. This may not be what they want.
The Elves do have a union, and in fact our whole operation is run as a partnership, with all of the Elves, reindeer and Beverly and myself owning an equal share.
Yes, you did see me that one time.
Batteries ? What are batteries ?
So , thank you,<< Test First Name >>, for being you.
You are loving.
You are loved.
Happy Christmas,
P.S. I know you may consider it a bit silly, but I still get you a present each year. This year, in your name, myself, Beverly, and the Elves have organised for 70 kids from St.Pat’s Direct Provision Centre to go to the cinema over Christmas, and we also bought a lot of gifts from those amazing Choose Love people.
P.P.S Yes, my favourite Christmas movie is still ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ , and my favourite song is Bruce Springstein’s ‘I’m Coming To Town’